Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Project 3: Collage Via Code

Constructor code:


import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Main extends MovieClip
//Declare variable here - STEP ONE
var world:MovieClip;
var welcome:MovieClip;
var welcomeA:MovieClip;
var lazer:MovieClip;

public function Main() //constructor funcion
// constructor code
trace("Welcome ta Earf");

//Fill variables here - STEP TWO
world = new Earth; // Fill variable named space with new instance of Lazer
welcome = new Welcome;
welcomeA = new Welcome;
lazer = new Lazer;

// addChild to stage - STEP THREE

//Specify properties of the child - STEP FOUR
world.x = 160;
world.y = 125;
world.scaleX = .4;
world.scaleY = .4;

welcome.x = 400;
welcome.y = 350;
welcome.scaleX = .5;
welcome.scaleY = .5;

welcomeA.x = 410;
welcomeA.y = 360;
welcomeA.scaleX = .5;
welcomeA.scaleY = .5;
welcomeA.alpha = .3;

lazer.x = 400;
lazer.y = 100;
lazer.scaleX = .7;
lazer.scaleY = .7;
lazer.rotation = 30;




When most people see a list of game development roles, they think of how awesome it would be to be a game tester. The reality though, as many will attest to, is that it's absolute hell and one of the most tedious tasks one can perform. The thrill of playing a game that the rest of the world doesn't even know about is quickly purged by the mundane task of reporting bugs and glitches... and there are A LOT of bugs and glitches in pre-release software.

So it's clear that I definitely do not want to be a game tester. Maybe if it were for a developer like Rockstar North, but how many Imagine: Babiez and Barbie Horse Adventure titles would you need to slog through before being hired to test the next Grand Theft Auto?

The best role for me as a member of a game development team would be an artist. Specifically, 3D modeling and texturing sounds like the most interesting to me. I feel that it would be much more rewarding to see your 3D models on screen than to know the game is less glitchy because of my bug reports. I did a little bit of 3D modeling with Solid Works (a CAD program designed for mechanical engineers) and I found myself creating things totally unrelated to engineering. Guns, brass knuckles, etc.

Project 2: Collage

More to come...

It's no question that Miyamoto was and still is a legend within the game industry. What makes him unique and an excellent game designer in my opinion is his passion for fun, family-oriented games that stand up against the modern "heavyweights" like Call of Duty, Halo, Grand Theft Auto, etc. His games are proof that you don't need to shoot people to have fun. And while I and many others disagree with the some of the hardware design choices and lack of "core" titles from Nintendo, Miyamoto still manages to impress time and time again.

The article discusses Miyamoto's fascination with caves when he was young and how that translated into some of his game design. I think that's a pretty good model to follow. There are tons of elements from places I've been and experiences that I've had that could translate into a game or some aspect of a game. When I was in high school, I also wanted to create a virtual replica of the school using the Source engine. Who knows, maybe someday I still will!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

DMF 203 Symbols

Here they are!

Favorite Non-Computer Game

My favorite non-computer game is the board game Monopoly. There are a ton of really amazing board games out there today, but perhaps I can attribute my love for this game to exposure I had to it when I was really young. Almost everybody grew up playing Monopoly with their family, and I'm no exception. The rules are easy to understand, the goal is clear, and there is a lot of decision making required throughout the game. There are tons of different incarnations of Monopoly, but the original (Board Walk, Park Place, etc) is generally what comes to mind. The property names and colors along with the unique playing pieces (I'm always the car!) have become very iconic over the years.

The game I create probably won't have anything to do with Monopoly. However like in Monopoly, I will try to give it iconic elements that aren't overcomplicated and will stick in the minds of players. A Flash game should be very "pick up and play." As soon as you over-complicate it, you lose the people who would rather be playing Call of Duty.