Constructor code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Main extends MovieClip
//Declare variable here - STEP ONE
var world:MovieClip;
var welcome:MovieClip;
var welcomeA:MovieClip;
var lazer:MovieClip;
public function Main() //constructor funcion
// constructor code
trace("Welcome ta Earf");
//Fill variables here - STEP TWO
world = new Earth; // Fill variable named space with new instance of Lazer
welcome = new Welcome;
welcomeA = new Welcome;
lazer = new Lazer;
// addChild to stage - STEP THREE
//Specify properties of the child - STEP FOUR
world.x = 160;
world.y = 125;
world.scaleX = .4;
world.scaleY = .4;
welcome.x = 400;
welcome.y = 350;
welcome.scaleX = .5;
welcome.scaleY = .5;
welcomeA.x = 410;
welcomeA.y = 360;
welcomeA.scaleX = .5;
welcomeA.scaleY = .5;
welcomeA.alpha = .3;
lazer.x = 400;
lazer.y = 100;
lazer.scaleX = .7;
lazer.scaleY = .7;
lazer.rotation = 30;
When most people see a list of game development roles, they think of how awesome it would be to be a game tester. The reality though, as many will attest to, is that it's absolute hell and one of the most tedious tasks one can perform. The thrill of playing a game that the rest of the world doesn't even know about is quickly purged by the mundane task of reporting bugs and glitches... and there are A LOT of bugs and glitches in pre-release software.
So it's clear that I definitely do not want to be a game tester. Maybe if it were for a developer like Rockstar North, but how many Imagine: Babiez and Barbie Horse Adventure titles would you need to slog through before being hired to test the next Grand Theft Auto?
The best role for me as a member of a game development team would be an artist. Specifically, 3D modeling and texturing sounds like the most interesting to me. I feel that it would be much more rewarding to see your 3D models on screen than to know the game is less glitchy because of my bug reports. I did a little bit of 3D modeling with Solid Works (a CAD program designed for mechanical engineers) and I found myself creating things totally unrelated to engineering. Guns, brass knuckles, etc.